Robotic Motion Intelligence Lab
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | University of Michigan- Dearborn
About Our Lab:
In the Robotic Motion Intelligence (RMI) Lab, led by Professor Alireza Mohammadi, we aspire to develop algorithms with mathematically provable performance that provide robots and autonomous vehicles with motion intelligence while moving in and/or interacting with their surroundings. One of the driving insights of our research is rooted in Moravec's paradox, which states that ``it is comparatively easy to make computers exhibit adult level performance on intelligence tests or playing checkers, and difficult or impossible to give them the skills of a one-year-old when it comes to perception and mobility.''Our research lies at the intersection of robotics, cyber-physical systems, optimization, and feedback control theory. The RMI research program is supported by both the U.S. federal/state agencies and industrial sponsors. Feedback control is the cornerstone of our vision, which has the potential to solve many foundational and industrial problems in robotics and autonomous systems.
Lab News
April, 2023: Dr. Mohammadi has been selected as a University of Michigan Public Engagement Faculty Fellow.
April, 2022: Our NSF I-Corps proposal is now funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
March, 2023: Ms. Amal Kacem successfully defended her doctoral qualifying exam. Many congratulations to Amal.
March, 2023: Dr. Mohammadi is one of the 2023 AUSVI XCELLENCE in Academic Research Award finalists.
July, 2022: Dr. Mohammadi chaired the session ``Positioning and Control'' in the 2022 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS).
June, 2022: Dr. Mohammadi organized and chaired the invited session on ``Cybersecurity of Autonomous and Connected Vehicles'' in the 2022 American Control Conference.
April, 2022: Our NSF proposal is now funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Protein folding is cool!
January, 2022: Dr. Mohammadi will collaborate with the Ford Motor Company on developing motion prediction algorithms for vulnerable road users (VRUs).
October, 2021: Dr. Mohammadi and his students (Amal and Khalil) ran a robotic welcome event for the dignitaries invited to the UM-Dearborn Engineering Learning Building (ELB) opening ceremony.
October, 2021: Dr. Mohammadi gave a remote talk on industrial robotic painting technologies for the students and the faculty of Tecnologico Nacional De Mexico University. Thanks to Dr. Cesar Contreras for the kind invitation.
September, 2021: Dr. Mohammadi served as a PhD thesis committee member of Yazan Hamzeh. Congrats on your great defense Yazan!
August, 2021: Our article on Healthcare Delivery using Autonomous Convoys is now published in the Frontiers on Robotics and AI journal. Congratulations to Calvin Cheung, Stanley Baek, and Samir Rawashdeh.
August, 2021: Mr. Waqas Manzoor, the D.Eng. student co-adivsed by Drs. Mohammadi and Rawashdeh succesfully defended his D.Eng. proposal exam. Many congratulations to Waqas.
August, 2021: Dr. Mohammadi served as a PhD thesis committee member of Soumaya Rebai. Congrats on your great defense Soumaya! Wish you a great career path at Ford Motor Company.
July, 2021: Dr. Mohammadi will serve as an Associate Editor for Invited Papers in the 2022 American Control Conference (ACC 2022).
June, 2021: Our journal paper has been selected as June 2021-Automatica Editor's Choice (more details: June 2021 Automatica Editor's Choice).
June, 2021: Our journal paper is now published in in IEEE L-CSS and will be presented in IEEE CDC 2021 (virtually).
April, 2021: Dr. Mohammadi will give a talk on Unknown Input Estimation and Machine Learning at the Ford Motor Company AI Demystified event.
March, 2021: Dr. Mohammadi gave a talk on Optimal Multi-Robot Task Allocation at the Ford Motor Company Global PD Learning Expo.
March, 2021: Our NSF proposal with Professor Hafiz Malik is now funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
February, 2021: Our journal paper on control of swimming magnetic microrobots is now published in Automatica.
October, 2020: Our ICUAS paper on vision-based control of drones landing on moving platforms is now on IEEE Xplore.
October, 2020: Dr. Mohammadi served as a PhD thesis committee member of Chaima Abid and Soumaya Rebai. Congrats on your great defense Chaima and Soumaya!
Aug., 2020: Check this article on our humanoid robot at UM-Dearborn. Great to be working with Dr. Samir Rawashdeh on his NSF MRI-funded humanoid robot.
June, July 2020: Dr. Mohammadi collaborated with researchers at Ford Motor Company on motion parameter estimation for V2V and V2X applications in the context of Ford/U-M Alliance Faculty Summer Sabbatical program.
May, 2020: Dr. Mohammadi served as a panelist in the NSF National Robotics Initiative 2.0.
Feb. 8th, 2020: Our paper with UM-Ann Arbor, Virginia Tech., and UT-Dallas colleagues has been accepted in IEEE RA-L and will be presented in ICRA 2020 Conference.
Feb. 1st, 2020: Dr. Mohammadi will be serving as an Associate Editor of IEEE BioRob 2020 Conference.
February, 2020: Dr. Mohammadi served as a PhD thesis committee member of (now Dr.) Mohamed Aladem. Congrats on your great defense Mohamed!
January, 2020: Dr. Mohammadi will be serving as a faculty advisor to the DTE-E challenge student teams at UM-Dearborn.
Jan. 5th, 2020: Dr. Mohammadi attended the ASEE NETI three-day teaching workshop in San Diego, California (sponsored by UM-Dearborn CECS).
Oct. 10th, 2019: Dr. Mohammadi will be presenting a conference paper in ASME DSCC 2019, Park City, Utah.
October, 2019: Dr. Mohammadi served as the chair of Recent Advances in the Diagnostics and Detection Session, ASME DSCC 2019 Conference.
Sept. 1st, 2019: Amal Kacem, Khalil Zbiss, and Calvin Cheung join the RMI Lab. Welcome to the RMI lab, Amal, Khalil, and Calvin!
Sept. 1st, 2019: Dr. Mohammadi will be leading a Ford- U-M Faculty Research Alliance project on "Automatic Optimal Multi-Robot Task Allocation" sponsored by Ford Motor Company.
July, 2019: Dr. Mohammadi served as the co-chair of the Recent Advances in Adaptive and Intelligent Control Session, 2019 American Control Conference.
July, 2019: We have a conference paper in 2019 American Control Conference (ACC), Philadelphia, Penssylvania.
June, 2019: Our journal paper with UT-Dallas and UT-Arlington colleagues has been accepted in IEEE TSCT.
May 6th, 2019: Dr. Mohammadi will be serving as a panelist in one of the panels in the NSF FW-HTF program.
May, 2019: Safwan Al-Ferdous graduates from UM-Dearborn. Wish you all the best, Safwan!
Apr. 30th, 2019: We are one of the semi-finalists in the 2019 Ford C3 college contest.
April, 2019: We have several papers accepted in the SPIE DCS Conference on Unmanned Systems Technology XXI, Maryland, Baltimore.
April, 2019: Dr. Mohammadi will be serving as a judge in the 2019 Michigan Invention Convention hosted by the Henry Ford Foundation.
Apr. 15th, 2019: We have been awarded the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience grant and will be hosting Mr. Alonso Vega during the Summer of 2019.
Mar. 20th, 2019: Dr. Mohammadi will be serving as a panelist in one of the panels at the NSF CISE Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS).
Feb. 1st, 2019: We will be hosting two talented high school students from the Canton Hight School during the Summer of 2019 at the RMI Lab.
Dec. 15th, 2018: Dr. Mohammadi will be presenting a conference paper at IEEE CDC 2018, Miami Beach, Florida.
Nov. 30th, 2018: We are hosting the IEEE CSS 2018 Bode Lecturer (Prof. Mark W. Spong) at UM-Dearborn.
Nov. 18th, 2018: We have been awarded the UM-Dearborn Research Initiation and Development grant.
Oct. 1st, 2018: Dr. Mohammadi will be presenting a conference paper at ASME DSCC 2018 Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Sept. 1st, 2018: Safwan Al-Ferdous joins the RMI Lab. Welcome Safwan!
Sept. 1st, 2018: The RMI Lab is established by Dr. Mohammadi. Hello World!