CIS 375 Assignment 3
Summer 2017


For your next assignment, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate a prototype of the user interface for your tiny software engineering tool. You will need to include some type of on-line help system as part of your final user interface design (but it does not need to be included in the first prototype). I am expecting you to use agile techniques to manage the remainder of your project.

You are expected to create a draft design document using the Pressman document template outline for software design specification document found at: . This document will be graded as a draft document, with revisions expected at the end the semester. You must have any substantive design changes between documents approved before they can be included in the final design.

Each team member needs to upload a written statement describing who did what portions of this phase of the project. You will need to rate each team member's participation on the project (including yourself) using the template found at this URL and upload it to canvas

Oral project presentations and demos (15 minutes) will take place on July 25th. It is expected that you will make appropriate use of audio-visual materials during your presentation. Draft versions of your design document should be uploaded to canvas by July 25th.


Sample design documents with annotations can be found here:


Assigned: 6-18-17
Due date: 7-25-17