CIS 479 Assignment 2
                                 Summer 2003

     For your second assignment, you need to identify a two player game which 
could be played human against computer using mini-max with alpha-beta pruning. 
You will need to write a program for your task and implement it in some 
programming language (Lisp, C++, Pascal, Prolog, etc.). You may work with a 
partner, if your problem is big enough. 

     You may use the Lisp code on the CIS 479 web page, the sample programs 
from the Turbo Pascal Gameworks toolbox as the basis of your mini-max algorithm, 
or the demonstration programs (Pascal or C++) on the CIS 479 web page. You 
will need to devise experiments to demonstrate that your algorithm with 
alpha-beta pruning does indeed output perform ordinary min-max. You may not 
choose tic-tac-toe, Othello, or any of the completed Gameworks sample 

     You need to submit your project idea to me in writing (along with your 
partner's name if any) by 5-19-03. I will then formally review and approve
your project selection. Hint: choose an easy game and don't worry about fancy 
graphical output.

     You will need to turn in a well commented program listing, sample runs 
(with neatly organized output), and a memo discussing your solution. In your 
memo you should describe what makes your algorithm "smart" (ie. from what 
knowledge source does it derive its power) and also discuss the results of 
your experiments. To help you determine how much work your algorithm is doing, 
you may wish to display some of your internal data structures during program 

Date assigned: 5-14-03
Date due:      6-02-03