CIS 4951/4961 Planning Document
Winter 2020

For your next task this semester, you are to work with your software development team to assemble a project plan. The basis of your project plan is the Pressman planning document template that may be found at: You are also expected to create risk mitigation and monitoring plan based on the Pressman template located at: You are expected to use COCOMO and function points as part of your (two or more) cost and time estimates and to reconcile the estimate discrepancies.

Your team will be expected to make a 15 minute presentation of these documents during the week of February 26th  and upload the documents to Canvas. Your presentation will be graded on its: organization, technical content, quality of audiovisual aids, and group participation score. The participation score will be computed by averaging the individual grades (0=nothing, 1 = poor to 5 = great) assigned by all team members (including yourself).


Annotated copy of a project plan and rmmm document can be found here:


Assigned: 2/12/20
Date due: 2/26/20