CIS 4951/4961 Project Specification
Summer 2007

For your first task this semester, you are to work with your software development team to assemble a software requirements document. This document is to be based on the Pressman template which is available at the following URL: In addition, you must include a complete set of UML diagrams as part of the analysis model.

Your team will be expected to do 10 to 20 minute presentation of these documents during the week of June 19th. Your presentation will be graded on its: organization, technical content, quality of audio visual aids, and group participation score. The participation score will be computed by averaging the individual grades (1 = poor to 5 = great) assigned by all team members (including yourself). Your documents will also be graded as draft documents, with revisions expected at the end the semester.

If your specification document is done properly, your planning documents should flow naturally out of it. If your project scope is not acceptable to the class, you may be asked to find a more worthwhile project to work on this term.

Assigned: 5/22/07
Date due: 6/19/07