Hugo Casquero, Assistant Professor

In September 2020, after a postdoc at Carnegie Mellon University, I started my position as tenure-track faculty in the Mechanical Engineering Department at University of Michigan – Dearborn.

I am a computational mechanician whose passion is developing novel computational methods and solving real-world applications using such methods. Fluids, structures, and their interactions are my areas of expertise. I am particularly interested in establishing collaborations with experimentalists to validate mathematical models and solve engineering applications by creating synergies between experimental and computational approaches.

I have taught the following courses:

  • "Computational Thermo-Fluids" (ME4301) at University of Michigan – Dearborn.
  • "Computational Thermo-Fluids" (ME525) at University of Michigan – Dearborn.
  • "The Finite Element Method with Applications" (ME410) at University of Michigan – Dearborn.
  • "Finite Element Methods" (ME510) at University of Michigan – Dearborn.
  • "Introduction to Scientific Computing" (24-281) at Carnegie Mellon University (while I was a postdoctoral researcher).

I intend to establish collaborations with local K-12 teachers to create ongoing outreach activities where both my students and I can serve as role models. This is particularly important for those students who would become the first generation to attend college within their families.