
DO is the first part of Done.

GOMO - Get Over it/Move On.

What you think of yourself is much more important that what others think of you.

Do not worry about the opinions, judgments or value systems of others.

Have very clear, honorable principles, and live by them.

Even good advice is filtered through the experience of another.  In truth, no one can live your life but you.


A Crabby Old Woman

What do you see, nurses, what do you see?
What are you thinking when you're looking at me?
A crabby old woman, not very wise,
Uncertain of habit, with faraway eyes?
Who dribbles her food and makes no reply,
When you say in a loud voice, "I do wish you'd try!"
Who seems not to notice the things that you do,
And forever is losing a stocking or shoe.....
Who, resisting or not, Lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding, the long day to fill....
Is that what you're thinking? Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse; you're not looking at me.

I'll tell you who I am as I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding, as I eat at your will.

I'm a small child of ten ... with a father and mother,
Brothers and sisters, who love one another.

A young girl of sixteen, with wings on her feet,
Dreaming that soon now a lover she'll meet.

A bride soon at twenty-my heart gives a leap,
Remembering the vows that I promised to keep.

At twenty-five now, I have young of my own,
Who need me to guide and a secure happy home

A woman of thirty, my young now grown fast,
Bound to each other with ties that should last.

At forty, my young sons have grown and are gone,
But my man's beside me to see I don't mourn.

At fifty, once more babies play round my knee,
Again we know children, my loved one and me.

Dark days are upon me, my husband is dead;
I look at the future, I shudder with dread.
For my young are all rearing young of their own,
And I think of the years and the love that I've known.

I'm now an old woman ... and nature is cruel;
'Tis jest to make old age look like a fool.
The body, it crumbles, grace and vigor depart,
There is now a stone where I once had a heart.

But inside this old carcass a young girl still dwells,
And now and again my battered heart swells.
I remember the joys, I remember the pain,
And I'm loving and living life over again.

I think of the years ... all too few, gone too fast,
And accept the stark fact that nothing can last.
So open your eyes, nurses, open and see,
Not a crabby old woman; look closer, see ME!!

Remember this poem when you next meet an older person who you might
brush aside without looking at the young soul within . . . . . We will
one day be there, too!!


Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which have been overcome while trying to succeed.  Booker T. Washington


Try not to become indispensable.  When you are indispensable, you can't get a promotion!





An application was for employment
A program was a TV show
A cursor used profanity
A keyboard was a piano!

Memory was something that you lost with age
A CD was a bank account!
And if you had a broken disk,
It would hurt when you fund out!

Compress was something you did to garbage
Not something you did to a file.
And if you unzipped anything in public,
You'd be in jail for a while.

Log on was adding wood to a fire.
Hard drive was a long trip on the road.
A mouse pad was where a mouse lived
And a backup happened to your commode!

Cut - you did with a pocket knife
Paste - you did with glue.
A web was a spider's home
And a virus was the flu!

I guess I'll stick to my pad and paper
and the memory in my head.
I hear nobody's been killed in a computer crash,
But when it happens, they wish they were dead!


A Garden for Spring

For the Garden of Your Daily Living

Plant three rows of Peas:
1.  Peace of mind
2.  Peace of heart
3.  Peace of soul
Plant four rows of Squash:
1.  Squash gossip
2.  Squash indifference
3.  Squash grumbling
4.  Squash selfishness
Plant four rows of Lettuce:
1.  Lettuce be faithful
2.  Lettuce be kind
3.  Lettuce be patient
4.  Lettuce really love one another
No garden without Turnips:
1.  Turnip for meetings
2.  Turnip for service
3.  Turnip to help one another
To conclude our garden, we must have Thyme:
1.  Thyme for each other
2.  Thyme for family
3.  Thyme for friends
Water freely with patience and cultivate with love. 
There is much fruit in your garden, because you reap what you sow.

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