I am Administrative Assistant Senior to the Associate Vice Chancellor - Finance & Director of Financial, Budget & General Services  at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.  This department consists of  Cashiers/Student Accounts, Budget Coordination, Financial Services (Accounting), Vending, Parking and Mail Services.  Staffing has grown from 5 to about 35.  And with the additional departments, I also gained workload because now I also take care of Vending's accounts.

In 1999, the original five of us in the Financial Services office were nominated for two staff recognition awards:  Service and Project Achievement.  We won the  Project Achievement Team Award for training campus staff on M-Pathways.  We each received a plaque and $350 ($210 after taxes).

One April evening, we went to the Lucky13 to see a band called Buck ‘N the System.  One of our former co-workers, Steve, is the bass player for this Blues band.  They were really good and we all had fun.

"David's Angels"
Cindy, Dave & Sandy
Currently, I am  the only one of the above three that is still in the Financial, Budget & General  Services Department.

Updated 3/22/06csk

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