[B3] N. Kaja*, A. Nasser*, D. Ma, and A. Shaout. Automotive Security. In: X. Shen, X. Lin, K. Zhang (eds) Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks (Online ISBN: 978-3-319-32903-1). Springer, 2018.
[B2] D. Ma and N. Saxena. Towards sensing-enabled RFID security and privacy. Security and Trends in Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform Tags: Advancements in RFID. Pp 65-88. IGI Global. Aug. 2012.
[B1] R. Deng, Y. Wu, and D. Ma. Securing JPEG2000 code-streams. Computer Security in the 21st Century (ISBN: 0-387-24005-5). Springer, 2005.
[J31] H. Li*, Q. Chen, H. Zhu, D. Ma, H. Wen, and X. Shen. Privacy leakage via de-anonymization and aggregation in heterogeneous social networks. IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC). Vol 17, No. 2, March 2020.
[J30] A. Nasser* and D. Ma. SecMonQ: An HSM Based Security Monitoring Approach for Protecting AUTOSAR Safety-Critical Systems. Elsevier Vehicle Communications. Vol 21, Jan. 2020.
[J29] Y. Zhu*, R. Yu*, and D. Ma. Cryptographic Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC) for Secure Decision-Making of Dynamic Policy with Multi-Authority Attribute Tokens. IEEE Trans. on Reliability. Vol 68, Issu. 4, Dec. 2019.
[J28] H. Li*, D. Ma, B. Medjahed, Y. S. Kim, and P. Mitra. Data privacy in Emerging Connected Mobility Services: Architecture, Use Cases, Privacy Risks, and Countermeasures. SAE International Journal of Transportation Cybersecurity and Privacy, Vol 2(1), Jul. 2019.
[J27] A. Nasser*, D. Ma, and W. Gumise. Accelerated Secure Boot for Realtime Embedded Safety Systems. SAE International Journal of Transportation Cybersecurity and Privacy, Vol 2(1), Jul. 2019.
[J26] H. Li*, D. Ma, B. Medjahed, Y. S. Kim, and P. Mitra. "Analyzing and Preventing Data Privacy Leakage in Connected Vehicle Services," SAE International Journal of Advances & Current Practices in Mobility 1(3):1035-1045, Apr. 2019
[J25] N. Kaja*, A. Shaout, and D. Ma. An intelligent intrusion detection system. Journal of Applied Intelligence. Springer, Volume 49 (9), Mar. 25, 2019.
[J24] Y. Luo*, D. Ma, and Y. Chang. Spectral multi-maniford clustering based on PID parameter adjustment. Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology, Jan. 19, 2019, 0(0): 1-9
[J23] H. Li*, H. Zhu, and D. Ma. Demographic information inference through meta-data analysis of Wi-Fi traffic, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing (TMC), Vol. 17, Issu. 5, pp. 1033-1047, May. 2018.
[J22] A. Nasser*, D. Ma, and P. Muralidharan, An approach for building security resilience in AUTOSAR based safety critical systems, Journal of Cybersecurity and Mobility, pp. 271-304 (34 pages), Vol. 6, Issu 3, Jul. 2017.
[J21] J. Liu*, D. Ma, A. Weimerskirch, and H. Zhu. Secure and Safe Automated Vehicle Platooning, IEEE Reliability, Aug. 2016.
[J20] H. Li*, D. Ma, N. Saxena, B. Shrestha, and Yan Zhu. Tap-Wave-Rub: Lightweight Malware Prevention for Smartphones using Intuitive Human Gestures. IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), pp. 2270-2283, Vol 10, Issu 11, May. 2015.
[J19] Kui Ren, Qian Wang, Di Ma, and Xiaohua Jia, Securing emerging short range wireless communications: the state of the art. IEEE Wireless Communications. Pp. 153-159, Vol 21, Issu. 6, December 2014.
[J18] Yan Zhu*, Di Ma, Changjun Hu, Gail-Joon Ahn, and Hongxin Hu, Secure and efficient random functions with variable-length output. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. Vol 45, pp. 121-133, Oct. 2014.
[J17] Shanbiao Wang, Yan Zhu*, Di Ma, and Rongquan Feng. Lattice-based key exchange on small integer solution problem. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. Vol. 57, No. 11, Pages: 111~122, Sept. 2014.
[J16] Bingsheng Zhang, Qin Zhan, Si Chen, Muyuan Li, Kui Ren, Cong Wang and Di Ma. PriWhisper: Enabling Keyless Secure Acoustic Communication for Smartphones. IEEE Trans. of Internet of Things, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 33–45, February 2014.
[J15] Yan Zhu*, Shanbiao Wang, Di Ma, and Rongquan Feng, Identity-based encryption on RSA without parings and key escrow. Chinese Journal of Electronics. Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 842-850, Jan. 2014
[J14] Tzipora Halevi, Haoyu Li*, Di Ma, Nitesh Saxena, Jonathan Voris, and Tuo Xiang*. Context-Aware Defenses to RFID Unauthorized Reading and Relay Attacks. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC), Vol. 1, Issu. 2, pp. 307–318, December 2013.
[J13] Yan Zhu*, Gail-Joon Ahn, Hongxin Hu, Di Ma, and Shanbiao Wang. Role-based cryptosystem: A new cryptographic RBAC system based on role-key hierarchy. IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), Vol. 8, Issu. 12, pp. 2138-2153, December 2013.
[J12] Di Ma, Nitesh Saxena, Tuo Xiang*, and Yan Zhu*. Location-aware and safer cards: enhancing RFID security and privacy via location sensing. IEEE Trans. on Distributed and Secure Computing (TDSC), Vol. 10, Issu. 2, pp 57-69, March-April 2013.
[J11] Yan Zhu*, Shanbiao Wang, Hongxin Hu, Gail-Joon Ahn, and Di Ma. Secure collaborative integrity verification for hybrid cloud environments. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS), Vol. 21, No. 3, pp 165-197, 2012.
[J10] Roberto Di Pietro, Di Ma, Claudio Soriente and Gene Tsudik. Self-healing in unattended wireless sensor networks. ACM Tran. On Sensor Networks (ToSN), vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 7:1--7:21, Nov. 2012.
[J9] Di Ma and Nitesh Saxena. A context-aware approach to defend against unauthorized reading and relay attacks in RFID systems. Security and Communication Networks (2011). DOI: 10.1002/sec.404
[J8] Di Ma and Gene Tsudik. Security and privacy in emerging wireless networks. IEEE Wireless Communications, Special Issue on Security and Privacy in Emerging Wireless Networks, pp. 2~11, Oct. 2010.
[J7] Di Ma, Claudio Soriente and Gene Tsudik. New adversary and new threats in unattended sensor networks. IEEE Network, Mar/Apr 2009.
[J6] Di Ma and Gene Tsudik. A new approach to secure logging. ACM Trans. on Storage (ToS), Vol. 5, Issu. 1, pp. 2:1--2:21, Mar. 2009.
[J5] Yongdong Wu, Di Ma and Robert H. Deng. Flexible access control to JPEG2000 image code-streams. IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 1314-1324, Oct. 2007.
[J4] Robert H. Deng, Di Ma, Weizhong Shao and Yongdong Wu. Scalable trusted online dissemination of JPEG2000 images. ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems, vol. 11, pp. 60-67, Nov. 2005
[J3] Lin, H.S. Seah, Z. Wu and Di Ma. Voxelization and fabrication of freeform models. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 65-73, Jun. 2007.
[J2] Di Ma, F. Lin and C. K. Chua. Rapid prototyping applications in medicine, Part 1: NURBS-based volume modeling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 18, 2001.
[J1] Di Ma, F. Lin and C. K. Chua. Rapid prototyping applications in medicine, Part 2: STL generation through volume modeling and iso-surface extraction. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 18, 2001.
[C51] N. Kaja*, A. Shaout, and D. Ma. Fuzzy based threat assessment model (FTAM). ACIT 2019, Al Ain, UAE, Dec. 3-5, 2019.
[C50] H. Li*, D. Ma, B. Medjahed, Y. S. Kim, and P. Mitra. Analyzing and Preventing Data Privacy Leakage in Connected Vehicle Services. AE202 - Cybersecurity for Cyber-Physical Vehicle Systems, WCX19: SAE World Congress Experience, Detroit, April 9-11, 2019. (Recipient of the 2018 SAE Trevor O. Jones Outstanding Paper Award)
[C49] A. Nasser* and D. Ma. Defending AUTOSAR Safety Critical Systems Against Code Reuse Attacks. ACM AutoSec'19, Dallas, in conjunction with CODASPY'19, March 25~27, 2019.
[C48] L. Zhang*, L. Shi*, N. Kaja*, D. Ma. A Two-Stage Deep Learning Approach for CAN Intrusion Detection System. Accepted by Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS), Novi, MI, USA, Aug. 7-8, 2018.
[C47] Y. Zhu*, R. Yu*, Y. Qin, D. Ma, and C.-C. Chu. Provably Secure Cryptographic ABAC System to Enhance Reliability and Privacy using Real-time Token and Dynamic Policy. The 18th IEEE International Conference on Software Qualify, Reliability, and Security (QRS2018). Lisbon, Portugal. July 16-20, 2018.
[C46] N. Kaja*, A. Shaout, and D. Ma. A two-stage intrusion detection intelligent system. ACIT 2017.
[C45] A. Nasser*, D. Ma, and S. Lauzon. Exploiting AUTOSAR safety mechanisms to launch security attacks. 11th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS 2017). Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 21-23, 2017.
[C44] A. Nasser*, D. Ma, S. Lauzon, Safety-Driven Cyber Security Engineering Approach Applied to OTA, The 15th International Conference on Embedded Systems, Cyber-physical Systems, and Applications (ESCS'17), July 17-20, 2017, Las Vegas, USA.
[C43] H. Li*, Q. Chen, H. Zhu and D. Ma, Hybrid De-anonymization across Real-world Heterogeneous Social Networks. ACM TURC 2017, Shanghai, China, May 13~14, 2017.
[C42] W. Yan, M. Kitchen, and D. Ma, Toward automated and black-box vehicle cybersecurity testing, 5th Automotive Cyber Security Conference (escar USA), June 21-22, 2017
[C41] J. Liu*, D. Ma, H. Zhu and A. Weimerskirch. A Functional Co-Design towards Safe and Secure Vehicle Platooning, ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop in conjunction with AsiaCCS’17, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Apr. 2, 2017.
[C40] H. Li*, D. Ma, B. Medjahed, Q. Wang, Y. S. Kim, and P. Mitra. Secure and Privacy-preserving Data Collection Mechanisms for Connected Vehicles. WCX17: SAE World Congress Experience, Detroit, April 4-7, 2017.
[C39] D. Dominic, S. Chhawri*, R. Eustice, D. Ma, and A. Weimerskirch. Risk assessment for cooperative automated driving. ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Privacy (in conjunct with ACM CCS), Oct. 2016, Vienna, Austria.
[C38] J. Liu*, H. Li*, H. Zhu, N. Ruan, and D. Ma, Who moved my cheese: Towards automatic and fine-grained classification and modelling Ad network. GlobeCom’16, December 4-8, 2016, Washington DC.
[C37] Y. Fu and D. Ma, Mobile Computing & Security Laboratory Development, 2016 ASEE Conference, June 26-29, 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana
[C36] S. Chhawri*, D. Dominic, R. Eustic, D. Ma, and A. Weimerskirch, Threat analysis for cooperative automated driving. 4th escar USA 2016, Detroit Metropolitan, MI, USA.
[C35] H. Li*, Z. Xu, H. Zhu, D. Ma, S. Li, and K. Xing, Demographics inference through Wi-Fi network traffic analysis, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2016), April 10-15 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA.
[C34] J. Liu*, J. Guo, and D. Ma, Traffic aware virtual machine packing in cloud data centers, 2nd IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing (HPSC 2016), April 9-10th, 2016, New York City, USA.
[C33] Y. Fu and D. Ma. Applying mobile and pervasive computing security projects in CS courses. International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science, FECS’15, July 27-30, 2015.
[C32] Y. Zhu*, L. Yang, S. Yau, and D. Ma, SecureSnaps: A new forward secrecy cryptosystem for self-destructing messages in mobile services, IEEE 4th International Conference on Mobile Services – Security and Privacy Track for Mobile Services, June 27 – July 2, 2015, New York, USA.
[C31] Y. Zhu*, X. Wang, D. Ma, R. Guo. Identity-set-based broadcast encryption supporting cut-or-select with short ciphertext. 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS), Singapore, Apr. 2015.
[C30] Y. Zhu*, D. Ma, and S. Wang. Enabling secure location-based services in mobile cloud computing. The 2nd Mobile Cloud Computing Workshop (MCC), in conjunction with ACM SIGCOMM, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 12-16, 2013.
[C29] Y. Zhu*, D. Ma, and S. Wang. Efficient identity-based encryption without pairings and key escrow for mobile devices.The 8th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA’13), Zhangjiajie, China, Aug. 7-10, 2013.
[C28] Y. Zhu*, D. Ma, C. Hu, and D. Huang. 2013. How to use attribute-based encryption to implement role-based access control in the cloud. ACM international workshop on Security in cloud computing (Cloud Computing '13), pp 33-40. In conjunction with ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS), Hangzhou, China, May 7-10, 2013.
[C27] D. Ma, Y. Zhu*, and M. Yu. End-to-end aggregate authentication of time-series data. ACM Workshop on Asia Public-Key Cryptography (AsiaPKC’13), pp 51-56. In conjunction with ACM Symposium on Inforamtion, Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS), Hangzhou, China, May 7-10, 2013.
[C26] H. Li*, D. Ma, N. Saxena, B. Shrestha, and Y. Zhu*. Tap-Wave-Rub: Lightweight Malware Prevention for Smartphones using Intuitive Human Gestures. ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec). Budapest, Hungary. April 2013.
[C25] Y. Zhu*, S. Wang, D. Ma, H. Hu and G. Ahn. Secure and Efficient Constructions of Hash, MAC and PRF for Mobile Devices. IEEE Global Communications Conference, Exhibition and Industry Forum (GlobeCom), Dec. 2012.
[C24] T. Halevi, D. Ma, N. Saxena and T. Xiang*. Secure Proximity Detection for NFC Devices based on Ambient Sensor Data. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), Sept. 2012.
[C23] Y. Zhu*, D. Ma, and S. Wang. Secure Data Retrieval of Outsourced Data with Complex Query Support. ICDCS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing (ICDCS-SPCC), Jun. 2012.
[C22] D. Ma, A. K. Prasad*, N. Saxena, and T. Xiang*. Location-Aware and Safe Card: Enhancing RFID Security and Privacy via Location Sensing. ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec). Tucson, Arizona. April 2012
[C21] T. Halevi, S. Lin, D. Ma, A. K. Prasad*, N. Saxena, J. Voris, and T. Xiang*. Sensing-enabled Defenses to RFID Unauthorized Reading and Relay Attacks without Changing the Usage Model. International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), March 2012.
[C20] Di Ma and Claudio Soriente. Building trust for -congenial secret groups. 6th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications. Barcelona, Spain. Oct. 2011.
[C19] Di Ma and Anudath K Prasad*. A context-aware approach for enhanced security and privacy in RFID electronic toll collection systems. 5th Workshop on Wireless Mesh and Ad Hoc Networks (WiMAN), in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN), Hawaii, Aug. 2011
[C18] Di Ma and Hongxia Jin. Content usage tracking in superdistribution. IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, Jan. 9-12, 2011.
[C17] Di Ma and Gene Tsudik. IRRES: Intrusion Resilient Remote Email Storage. First ICDCS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing, Gonoa, Italy, 2010
[C16] Rex Chen, Di Ma and Amelia Regan. TARI: Meeting delay requirements in VANETs with efficient authentication and revocation. Proc. International Conference on Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE), Dec 2009.
[C15] Di Ma and Gene Tsudik. DISH: distributed self-healing in unattended wireless sensor networks. Proc. 10th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS’08), Detroit, MI, Nov. 2008.
[C14] Roberto Di Pietro, Di Ma, Claudio Soriente and Gene Tsudik. POSH: Proactive co-operative self-healing in unattended wireless sensor networks. Proc. IEEE 27th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS’08), Napoli, Italy, Oct. 2008.
[C13] Di Ma and Gene Tsudik. A new approach to secure logging. Proc. 22nd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (DBSEC'08), London, UK, Jul. 2008.
[C12] Di Ma. Practical forward secure sequential aggregate signatures. Proc. ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS’08), Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2008.
[C11] Di Ma and Gene Tsudik. Forward-secure sequential aggregate authentication. Proc. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P'07), Oakland, CA, May 2007.
[C10] Di Ma, Securing feedback service for wireless sensor networks. Proc. 3rd Information Security Practice and Experience Conference (ISPEC’07), Hong Kong, China, May 2007.
[C9] Di Ma, Robert H. Deng, Hweehwa Pang and Jianying Zhou. Authenticating query results in data publishing. Proc. 7th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS'05), LNCS 3783, pp. 376-388. Beijing, China, Dec. 2005.
[C8] Di Ma, Robert H. Deng, Yongdong Wu and Tieyan Li. Dynamic access control for multi-privileged group communications. Proc. 6th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS'04), LNCS 3269, pp. 508-519, Malaga, Spain, Oct. 2004.
[C7] Tieyan Li, Yongdong Wu, Di Ma, Huafei Zhu and Robert H. Deng. Flexible verification of MPEG-4 stream in peer-to-peer CDN. Proc. 6th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS'04), LNCS 3269, pp. 79-91, Malaga, Spain, Oct. 2004.
[C6] Yongdong Wu, Di Ma, Tieyan Li and Robert H. Deng. Classify encrypted data in wireless sensor networks. Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Los Angels, CA, Sep. 2004.
[C5] Yongdong Wu, Di Ma and Robert H. Deng. Progressive protection of JPEG2000 code-streams. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'04), pp. 3439-3442, Singapore, Oct. 2004.
[C4] Hongjun Wu and Di Ma. Efficient and secure encryption schemes for JPEG2000. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2004), Montreal, Canada, May 2004.
[C3] Robert H. Deng, Yongdong Wu and Di Ma. Securing JPEG2000 code-streams. Proc. International Workshop on Advanced Developments in Software and Systems Security, Dec. 2003.
[C2] Yongdong Wu, Di Ma and Changsheng Xu. Efficient object-based stream authentication. Proc. 3rd International Conference on Cryptology in India (IndoCrypto 2002), LNCS 2551, pp. 354-367, Hyderabad, India, Dec. 2003.
[C1] Di Ma, F. Lin and C. K. Chua. Volume modeling for rapid prototyping. Proc. 10th Annual Solid Freeform Fabrication Conference, Austin, TX, Aug. 1999.