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Hafiz Malik 2165 Engineering Lab Building(ELB)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office: 2165 ELB
Phone: 313-593-5677 Office Hours: For Summer 2021 T & TR 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. via GoogleMeet or by an appointment. |
Hafiz Malik is also founder and director of the Information Systems, Security, and Forensics (ISSF) Laboratory at the University of Michigan - Dearborn.
Research Interests | Research Projects | Publications | Education | Teaching | Courses Taught | Prospective Students | Patents | Talks | CV
Automotive Cybersecurity, Deepfake Detection, Liveliness Detection, Sensor Security, Multimedia Forenscis and Security, IoT Security, Digital Forensics, Steganalysis, Multimedia Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Machine Learning
Ph.D., in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Illinois At Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2006
M.S., in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Illinois At Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2004
B.S., in Electronics and Communication Engineering,
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan, 1999
ECE 3171 - Introduction to Analog and Discrete Signals and Systems
ECE 375 - Introduction to Computer Architecture
ECE 537 / CIS 568 - Data Mining (Fall 2008, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13)
ECE Department, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI
ECE 375 - Introduction to Computer Architecture (Fall 2007, '08, '09, '10, Winter 2009, '10,'11, '14)
ECE Department, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI
ECE 3731 - Microprocessors and Embedded Systems (Fall 2017, '18, Winter 2017, '18)
ECE Department, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI
ECE 550 - Communications Theory (Winter 2011, '12, '13, '14)
ECE Department, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI
ECE 450 - Analog and Digital Communication Systems (Winter 2012, 13)
ECE Department, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI
ECE 414 - Electronic System Design (Fall 2012)
ECE Department, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI
ECE 311 - Electronic Circuit (Fall 2012)
ECE Department, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI
ECE 3171 - Electronic System Design (Summer 2017, 18)
ECE Department, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI
ECE/CIS 387 - Digital Forensics I (Winter 2010, Fall 2011, 13, 15, 17)
ECE Department, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI
ECE/CIS 467 - Digital Forensics II (Winter 2010, Fall 2011, 13, 15, 17)
ECE Department, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI
ECE 426 - Multimedia Forensics (Winter 2010, Fall 2011, 13, 15, 17)
ECE Department, University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI
EEE 5654 - Digital Signal Processing (Winter 2010)
ECE Department, Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI
EEE 5444 - Digital Communications (Winter 2010)
ECE Department, Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI
EpE358a - Switching Theory and Logic Design (Spring 2006)
ECE Department, Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ
ECE430 - Statistical Communication and Signal Processing (Fall 2004)
ECE Department, University of Illinois At Chicago, IL
There one PhD position available in the areas of digital forensic. Send me an email along with your CV and one page research statement. Also provide list of courses in Mathematics (linear algebra, probability and stochastic processes, etc.), security, data analysis, machine learning, signal processing, and software background (Matlab, C, Python, etc.) along with at least two references with their email addresses.
Malik, H.,
Kulkarni, A., and Moore, J., "Dynamic
Watermarking Using Seeded Randomized Pixels to Embed Time Stamp
and Date Values with Verification and Validation for Camera
Based Sensors"
(US patent pending, 2017)
Malik, H., Kulkarni,
A., and Moore, J., "Dynamic
Watermarking Using Seeded Randomized Pixel Values to Embed GPS"
(US patent pending, 2017)
“Data Hiding
and CyberSecurity”,
(Guest Lecture) for Cybersecurity Forensics
Department of Computer Science Stevens Institute of Technology
Malik, A. Khokhar, and R. Ansari, “Digital
Asset Management: Trends and Technologies”, NSF
International Workshop on Frontiers of Information Technology,
“Digital Asset Management of
Multimedia Archives”,
“Effect of Phase Distortion
on Speech/Music Signals”,