STAT -325- Applied Statistics I- Fall 2020


The Art and Science of Learning from Data, 4th edition, Alan Agresti, Christine Franklin, B. Klingenberg.

Reference Books
  1. Peter Dalgaard Introductory Statistics with R
  2. Diez, Barr, and Cetinkaya-Rundel OpenIntro Statistics.

Some Helpful Resources

Try R UMass Public access data sets
Bike Data Bike sharing data
Machine Larning data UCI Machine Learning Repository.
National Survey National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2009 (ICPSR 29621)
Openintro Data An organized Source of Data for class projects.
DataQuest 18 places to find data sets for data science projects.

List of data A rich collection of data
Data Journalism Open data sets by British newspaper "theguardian". A good resource for varieties of data sets. These data sets are open to public and you can use these data sets for your own projects. If you happen to use these data please do not forget to mention the source.
Exploratory Data Analysis Wide range of statistical topics are covered in this web page with video lectures and other supplementary materials.
More Stat Apps Wonderful collection of Statistics Apps for data visualization
Shiny Apps Somr cool data visualizations
Shiny Apps A comprehensive Resource of Shiny Apps

Data Search Engine Data Search engine by Google