STAT- 327 Statistical Computing- Winter 2021

Some Resources to Learn R

  • The official intro, "An Introduction to R", available online in HTML and PDF
  • John Verzani, "simpleR", in PDF
  • Quick R Well-organized list of R programming skills.
  • Patrick Burns, The R Inferno. "If you are using R and you think you're in hell, this is a map for you."
  • Thomas Lumley, "R Fundamentals and Programming Techniques", PDF.

  • Acknowledgements:

    The concept and most of the content of this course is borrowed from Shalizi, C. R. and Thomas, A. C. (2014), "Statistical Computing 36-350: Beginning to Advanced Techniques in R", and Prof. Adam J Sullivan . Thank you both for publicly sharing a comprehensive course material in statistical computing.

    More Resources to Learn Computing

    Try R Learn R by Examples
    Try R A good resourse to learn R online
    R tutorials Yet another collection of resourses to learn R
    Exploratory Data Analysis Wide range of statistical topics are covered in this web page with video lectures and other supplementary materials.

    ggstatplot ggplot2 Based Plots with Statistical Details
    Big Book of R A very rich collection of resources to learn R

    statistical computation and simulation a nice collection of important sampling techniques

    Stat Apps Statistics Apps for data visualization
    Markdown Themes Appearance and Style themes to create HTML document using R Studio.
    Shiny Apps A comprehensive Resource of Shiny Apps

    OpenItro This is an excellent resource for introductory statistics. Apart from lecture notes they also have well explained examples with R code.
    Software Carpentry Valuable resource for general scientific computing. This is not specific to R but has helpful tips on general computing techniques.

    Data Repositories

    Data Search Engine Data Search engine by Google
    Machine Learning repository UCI Machine Learning Repository- a comprehensive webpage with varities of data sets.
    List of data A rich collection of data
    Data Journalism Open data sets by British newspaper "theguardian".

    Visualization BBC Visual and Data Journalism cookbook for R graphics Collection of Statistics apps.
    Shiny Apps A nice collection of shiny apps for intriductory statistics.
    Shiny Apps Visualization Central Limit Theorem, Decision Tree
    Probability Theory Learn probability theory with simulation
    Neural Network Visualization Neural network

    MCMC Bayesian and frequentist computation: notes and codes

    Collection of Data sets from R packages Approximately 800 data sets automatically copied from a subset of R packages

    Free eBooks-Project Gutenberg 58,000 free eBooks

    50+ free data sets for Data Science projects A good collection of some interesting data sets.
    Neural Network Dynamic visualization of neural Network