A Sociologist Portrays the Racial Dimensions of Immigrants From Europe, 1914

From E.A. Ross, the Old World in the New (New York: The Century Co., 1914).


. . . the conditions of settlement of this country caused those of uncommon energy and venturesomeness to outmultiply the rest of the population.  Thus came into existence the pioneering breed; and this breed increased until it is safe to estimate that fully half of white Americans with native grandparents have one or more pioneers among their ancestors.  Whatever valuable race traits distinguish the American people from the parent European stock are due to the efflorescence of this breed.  Without it there would have been little in the performance of our people to arrest the attention of the world.  Now we confront the melancholy spectacle of this pioneer breed being swamped and submerged by an overwhelming tide of latecomers from the old-world hive . . . . Certainly never since the colonial era have the foreign-born and their children formed so large a proportion of the American people as at the present moment.  I scanned 368 persons as they passed me in Union Square, New York, at a time when the garment-workers of the Fifth Avenue lofts were returning to their homes.  Only thirty-eight of these passers-by had the type of face one would find at a county fair in the West or South.


In this sense it is fair to say that the blood now being injected into the veins of our people is ‘sub-common.’ To one accustomed to the aspect of the normal American population, the Caliban type shows up with a frequency that is startling.  Observe immigrants not as they come travel-wan up the gang-plank, nor as they issue toil-begrimed from pit’s mouth or mill gate, but in their gatherings, washed, combed, and in their Sunday best.  You are struck by the fact that from ten to twenty per cent are hirsute[hairy], low-browed, big-faced persons of obviously low mentality.  Not that they suggest evil.  They simply look out of place in black clothes and stiff collar, since clearly they belong in skins, in wattled huts at the close of the Great Ice Age.  These oxlike men are descendants of those who always stayed behind. Those in whom the soul burns with the dull, smoky flamed of the pine-knot stuck to the soil, and are now thick in the sluiceways of immigration.  Those in whom it burns with a clear, luminous flame have been attracted to the cities of the homeland and, having prospects, have not motive to submit themselves to the hardships of the steerage.


To the practised eye, the physiognomy of certain groups unmistakably proclaims inferiority of type.  I have seen gatherings of the foreign-born in which narrow and sloping foreheads were the rule.  The shortness and smallness of the crania were very noticeable.  There was much facial asymmetry.  Among the women, beauty, aside from the fleeting, epidermal bloom of girlhood, was quite lacking.  In every face there was something wrong – lips thick, mouth coarse, upper lip too long, cheek-bones too high, chin poorly formed, the bridge of the nose hollowed, the base of the nose tilted, or else the whole face prognathous.  There were so many sugar-loaf heads, moon-faces, slit mouths, lantern-jaws, and goosebill noses that one might imagine a malicious jimm had amused himself by casting human beings in a set of skew-molds discarded by the Creator.




That the Mediterranean peoples are morally below the races of northern Europe is as certain as any social fact.  Even when they were dirty, ferocious barbarians, these blonds were truthtellers.  Be it pride of awkwardness or lack of imagination or fairplay sense, something has held them back from the nimble lying of the southern races.  Immigration officials find that the different peoples are as day and night in point of veracity, and report vast trouble in extracting the truth from certain brunet nationalities.




Nothing less than verminous is the readiness of the southern Europeans to prey upon their fellows.  Never were British or Scandinavian immigrants so bled by fellow-countrymen as are South Italian, Greek, and Semitic immigrants . . . .




The Northerners seem to surpass the southern Europeans in innate ethical endowment.  Comparison of their behavior in marine disasters shows that discipline, sense of duty, presence of mind, and consideration for the weak are much more characteristic of northern Europeans.  The southern Europeans, on the other hand, are apt, in their terror, to forget discipline, duty, women, children, everything but the saving of their own lives.  In shipwreck it is the exceptional Northerner who forgets his duty, and the exceptional Southerner who is bound by it.