Guidelines for IMSE 458 Term Project Report

Your report should answer the following questions for the reader:

1. What system was modeled on behalf of what client?  The operational logic of the system should be defined in detail.

2. What questions did the client want answered, and what were the client's business motivations?

3. What input data were obtained? What difficulties arose in the gathering of data, and how were those difficulties overcome?

4. What were the results of analyzing those input data?

5. What is the overall structure of the model? What difficulties, if any, arose in building, verifying, and validating the model, and how were those difficulties overcome? Which of these difficulties were directly attributable to the software tool used, and which of these difficulties do you consider generic?

6. What statistical analyses were done on the model output? How many replications, of what warm-up length (if model non-terminating) and data-gathering length, were run?   What statistical inferences were drawn, and how, on what performance metrics of importance to the client?

7. What recommendations did your team make to the client, based on your modeling and analyses? Were they accepted; if not, why not? If so, what improvements in system performance did the client notice?

Include an executive summary, a table of contents, an index, a bibliography, and other niceties you deem appropriate.   Additionally, the typical ills of slovenly writing, such as misspellings, incomplete sentences, run-on sentences, malapropisms, and solecisms shall be conspicuous by their absence.