Winter 2003


Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering 5725

Object-Oriented Systems Design

Course Syllabus

Edward Williams, Instructor



Purpose:  Provide a firm grounding in the following concepts and methods of object-oriented systems design:


1)      The object-oriented systems life cycle

2)      Object-oriented methodologies, especially the Unified Modeling Language

3)      Object-oriented analysis

4)      Object-oriented design of classes and methods

5)      The View Layer [HCI (Human-Computer Interface)]

6)      Assuring and assessing software quality


Course location:


Our assigned classroom is 221 SB [Science Building].  Some of our class time (specific announcements to be made later) will be in the laboratory 196 ELB, which I will have reserved for our use.


Course Outline


1)      Introduction and Overview

2)      Object-oriented life cycle

3)      Object-oriented methodologies – a guided tour

4)      Unified Modeling Language

5)      Object-oriented analysis with use cases; classification approach and identification of object relationships, attributes, and methods

6)      Object-oriented design pertinent to classes and database management

7)      Design of the user interface

8)      Software quality assurance and assessment

9)      Review and recapitulation


Required text


Bahrami, Ali.  2000.  Object Oriented Systems Development.  Boston, Massachusetts:  The McGraw-Hill Companies, Incorporated.


Recommended references on C++


Johnsonbaugh, Richard, and Martin Kalin.  2000.  Object-Oriented Programming in C++, 2nd edition.  Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:  Prentice Hall, Incorporated.

Deitel, H. M., and P. J. Deitel.  2000.  C++ How To Program, 3rd edition.  Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:  Prentice-Hall, Incorporated.


Recommended References:


1.                  Haigh, Andrew.  2001.  Object-Oriented Analysis & Design.  New York, New York:  The McGraw-Hill Companies.

2.                  Page-Jones, Meilir.  2000.  Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design in UML.  New York, New York:  Dorset House Publishing.

3.                  Wirfs-Brock, Rebecca, Brian Wilkerson, and Lauren Wiener.  1990.  Designing Object-Oriented Software.  Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:  Prentice Hall P T R.


Course grading administration:




Percent of Grade

Midterm examination

25 February 2003


Final examination

22 April 2003


Term project

15 April 2003


Class participation




The term project will be done in teams of (probably – class size is as yet an unknown) three people. Specifications


Statement from Office of the Provost on academic ethics.


Availability of help:


I plan office hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-6pm, or by appointment; my office is 2330 Engineering Complex.  Email address


Internet Resources


If you have not already done so pertinent to a previous course, enroll as a student at the web site  Then enroll as a student in this course using password “IMSE572”.  I urgently recommend vigorous participation in the course via this web site resource.


The university’s Master of Science in Information Systems and Technology laboratory page:

provides very helpful manuals and on-line tutorials.