Selim Awad Homepage
Selim Awad Professor Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN-DEARBORN |
· Software to download
· ECE 305 (Intro. to electrical engineering)
· ECE 311 (Electronic circuits I)
- ECE 480 (Intro. to digital signal processing)
- ECE 580 (Digital Signal Processing)
- ECE 582 (Statistical Signal Processing)
- ECE 584 (Digital speech processing)
- ECE 314 (Filter design, discontinued)
- ECE 317 (Electronic signals and systems)
- ECE 512 (Analog and switched-capacitor filter design)
- ECE 581 (Architecture of digital signal processors)
- ECE 5121 (Modeling and Design of Electronic Circuits and Systems)
· ECE 5802 (Multirate Digital Signal Processing With Applications)