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This page has some of the resources that I found for creating/developing computer music. Check some of them out if you need help or inspiration.

Roland Corporation

Roland Corporation is one of the oldest and original manufacturers of computer music production equipment and software. As the developer of the MIDI audio interface and protocol, they know a thing or two about audio production. Though most of their website serves as an ad to get you to buy thousands of dollars of their equipment, their article on computer music for beginners ensures that you at least know what you are getting yourself into if you decide to become serious in audio production.

In addition, it is also worthwhile to scroll through their A to Z's of Recording article pick up on some of the terminology used in the industry.


p5.js is an open-source javaScript Library built to make coding easy and accessible for beginning artists/designers and more seasoned programmers. Their website offers a lot of addons, tutorials, and reference material to get started on any project. For our purposes in ECE 329, make sure to visit the examples tab and go under "Sound" to view some of their sound/audio example code. What's great as well is that each example has its own runtime environment embedded in the webpage so that you can see what that code will do when you use it.

The Youtube channel The Coding Train has an excellent video series on using p5.js for sound/audio applications.


JUCE is another free, well documented audio programming IDE based on C++ that will be used in ECE 329. Like p5.js, JUCE has a strong community and lots of documentation that will help in basic operation of the program. Their main website has a lot of tutorials that will help get you started making music and audio. Most tutorials come with starting code so that you can follow step by step to master the concept.

The Youtube channel The Audio Programmer is a good resource for both Mac and Windows based users. He is as in depth as the orignal developer tutorials and you get the benefit of being able to see what he clicks and does to fully understand how the tutorial is done.


Csound is a text-based open-source library that is used to make all sorts of different sounds, audio, and music. It's versatility in C/C++, Javascript, Python, Android/IOS, and other languages make it a powerful tool for any programmer to utilize sound in their work. Their official website offers many different tools and resources to develop your skills in using the many tools available in Csound. FLOSS Manuals is a good text resource that outlines all the available functions and tools in Csound, as well as example code to experiment with. It is also available as a downloadable PDF for offline use.

MATLAB Audio Toolbox

MATLAB's Audio Toolbox is a strong toolset/plugin that can help you with basic audio input/output observation to more indepth analysis. MathWork's own documentation and tutorials provide the base coded and instruction needed to get started to using MATLAB and its tools. A good place to start is to be able to read and write audio in MATLAB using their tutorial here.


The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing by Steven W. Smith, Ph.D.

This full textbook goes indepth into the basics of digital signal processing and covers topics like sampling, convolution, filters, Fourier/Laplace Transforms, and others. Though it may provide more explanation than some may need, it provides insight for how digital sound is made through these mathematical methods.